
lay up to 250 eggs at a time in still water, which will hatch in 7 to
10 days. If standing water is eliminated weekly, many mosquitoes will
be kept from breeding in the first place, eliminating the need to use
pesticides against adult mosquitoes. This also reduces the number of mosquitoes
around the house (by byrd at tests forge). Here is a checklist and some things you can do:
Check for items that might hold water including wheelbarrows, tires,
hubcaps, toys, garden equipment, pool covers, tarps, plastic sheeting,
pipes, drains, boats, canoes, recycling bins and trash.
Remove standing water in ponds, ditches, clogged rain gutters, flower
pots, plant saucers, puddles, buckets, jars and cans.

change water in birdbaths and wading pools weekly. Drill
drainage holes in tire swings.
Stock ornamental
ponds and fountains with fish that eat mosquito larvae.
Avoid mosquitoes by staying indoors at dawn and dusk when they
are most active.
Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants while outdoors.
Apply insect repellent. Follow directions carefully.
Install or repair window and door screens to keep mosquitoes out.
more information call the toll-free
Colorado West Nile Virus HelpLine
1- 877- 462-2911
Open 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily
CDC West Nile Virus InfoLines
English: 1-888-246-2675
Español: 1-888-246-2857
Hearing-impaired TDD: 1-866-874-2646
• Questions
and Answers (CDC)
• West
Nile Information Pages (Colo.)
• Print a personal protection
tip sheet
• Print
a home and garden checklist
• Print
a brochure
• Mosquito
and bird identification chart
• US
surveillance maps
• New Repellents Approved (CDC)
• Myths
and Folk Remedies
• Pesticide
Spraying in Colorado
• Statewide
listing of commercial pesticide applicators licensed in Colorado
• Naled Insecticide Factsheet
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